Reminders for items declaration

To facilitate customs clearance process of your shipments, please carefully review and adhere to the following item declaration guidelines:

1. Correct Items Declaration Criteria 

  ✅ Acceptable declaration ❌ Unacceptable declaration

Item Description
Provide a detailed, accurate description of the product being shipped

Children's knitted
wool sweater

Declared value
Provide the real value of the product (amount, currency)
 USD 130
(The amount paid by the buyer)
(Not the actual value)

Actual Quantity

Provide the exact quantity of items contained in each package

3 pc
(Quantity of items in package)

Actual weight
The declared weight should match the actual weight
If you are not sure about the actual weight, please make an estimation (e.g. single product weight x quantity)


2. Item Declaration Description

Item description MUST provide specific product description 

Description cannot be vague or ambiguous, and it cannot be just a number or product code. For example, "Clothes", "Beauty tools", "Accessory", "Gift", "Sample", "Samsung s24", etc. are NOT acceptable.

If the item description does not clearly indicate/ explain the shipping items specifically, it would significantly increase the chance of customs inspection. 

Item declaration MUST include description of the product material

For example, for clothing, the declaration should include the material composition (polyester, wool), the weaving method (knitted), and the category (Men, Women, Children). For other product types, the declaration should at least include the material (Plastic, Metal) and the intended use.

Item declared price MUST be the actual price

The declared value, weight, and other information MUST be consistent with the actual shipped product and the transaction order details

Customs is specifically checking the shipments with abnormal/ unreasonable declared prices. Especially inspecting shipments with undervalued declarations (i.e. high-value items declared at a low price). Please ensure that the prices declared for all customs clearance information are accurate.

Common examples of item declarations

✅ Acceptable declaration ❌ Unacceptable declaration
Children's knitted wool sweater Clothes
Men's spandex overalls Pants
Men's cotton knit sweatshirt Hoodie
Men's leather shoes Shoes
Silicone phone case Phone case
Women's copper necklace Necklace
Ceramic vase Ornament
Plastic simulation rose Gift
Plug-in wall lamp Lamp
Mobile phone charging cable Data wire
Remote control toy car Toy
Neck-hung wireless earphone Sony W1-C100


If you have any questions regarding item declarations, please feel free to contact our customer service team at any time.



Special attention for shipments with unclear item description to United States

  • The U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has significantly intensified inspection on import shipments. For any non-compliant shipments, for example inaccurate declarations, or undeclared shipping items, the CBP may impose fines, force shipment return, or even dispose shipments.
  • For shipments importing to United States, it is compulsory to provide below details when create orders 

1. Shipper email address

2. Shipper phone number

3. Receiver email address

4. Receiver phone number 

Remarks: the shipper and receiver contact email and phone number cannot be the same



Last Update:28 AUG 2024