Before creating shipping orders, top up your wallet for billing settings. You can track your consumption records in My wallet and avoid superfluous transaction fees for each shipment.
Top Up is a new function that we made for users easy to put in the amount they need for shipments.
In My Wallet, you can track Transactions to see all the records. And track Invoices, Credit Notes and Receipts by category, and download from each part.
- Invoices - Details of the shipments/ products you bought and download the details.
- Credit Notes - For refunds you can find Credit notes and download the details.
- Receipts - for all the records of money you top up from credit card, you can download from here
How to top up in My Wallet?
1. Click Top Up to add money to your wallet
2. Select or input the amount you need for your wallet and click Top Up
3. You can find Credit balance, Transaction date...etc detailed info. in My Wallet.
All kinds of wallet transaction records, including top-ups, withdrawals, buy shipments, buy pickups, pending charges deducted, etc can be checked in My wallet.
Download Individual Shipment/ PickUp Invoice
Now you can download Individual Invoice for each Shipment/ Pickup.

To download individual invoices:
For Shipments:
- After creating a shipment, download the individual invoice immediately upon checkout at the Payment page.
- Navigate to Download & Print , locate the relevant shipment, and click on "Details" to initiate the download.
For Pickups:
- Upon creating a pickup request, download the individual invoice right after checkout on the payment page.
- Naviagte to Scheduled, locate your pickup request, and click on "Details" to proceed with the download.
How to refund balance to my bank account?
- Send an email to the Spaceship customer service team requesting a refund. In the email, include the required amount and suspension date (if applicable).
- Wait for a response from the Spaceship account team. They will hold the remaining balance for 60 days in case of shipment adjustments or tax.
- If the balance is positive after 60 days, the account team will refund the remaining value to the customer's bank account within 5 to 10 days.
- If the balance is negative, the account team will issue an invoice and collect the payment from the customer.